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5 Ways to Get Smart With Your Marketing in 2025

5 Ways to Get Smart With Your Marketing in 2025


According to McKinsey, marketing’s holy grail is digital personalization at scale because “personalization can reduce acquisition costs by as much as 50%, lift revenues by 5-15%, and increase the efficiency of marketing spend by 10-30%.”

In their annual report, Salesforce states that, on average, high performers fully personalize across six channels, compared with underperformers who fully personalize across three. Seventy-three percent of customers expect better personalization as technology advances.

To meet customers’ expectations, marketers must focus on improving personalization and engagement strategies across company channels. Employing these tools and technologies can help:

Email Automation and Nurture Campaigns

Contrary to many reports, email marketing is not dead. In fact, the number of email users is growing rapidly. Email automation campaigns - a series of emails that are sent automatically, triggered by the actions of the subscriber - are among the top three tactics used by email marketers to improve conversion performance, with 58% of marketers using this tactic.

Here are some other statistics about personalized email:

  • Consumers open emails with personalized subject lines at a 50% higher rate compared to emails without personalized subject lines, yet only 2% of emails employ personalization.

  • Email campaigns segmented by user interest see 74.53% higher click rates as compared to non-segmented campaigns. (MailChimp, 2017)

Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting campaigns help you reach people who either are in your CRM database or who have visited your website. These campaigns allow you to deliver specific ads to people based on their past online behavior. There are different types of retargeting campaigns:

  • Site (or pixel-based) retargeting: delivers ads to people who previously visited your site but did not convert

  • List or CRM retargeting: markets to customers who exist in your database

  • Search retargeting: delivers ads based on previous search history

Personalized Website Content

Personalized content performs 202% better: HubSpot looked at the data for more than 330,000 calls to action created using HubSpot over a 6-month period. What did they find? Calls-to-action targeted to the user performed 202% better than calls to action that were the same for all visitors.

Artificial Intelligence

How far has personalization come? Today, 50% of consumers will stay with a company that manages to anticipate their needs. AI can enhance almost any aspect of your marketing,from chat bots to digital advertising to customer journeys. AI can also help you find new audiences to target that share commonalities with your current customer base.

Account Based Marketing

Many of the tools above can be used in Account Based Marketing (ABM) programs – a B2B strategy that focuses on specific target accounts and the building and delivery of cross-channel and personalized campaigns to individuals at those accounts. An easy implementation can be found in HubSpot's recent addition of ABM features.

These are just a few of the ways you can increase personalization and engagement with your current and potential customers. Contact us to discuss how you can take advantage of these marketing technologies.

About Launch Team, Inc.

We are a multi-dimensional, highly focused marketing firm that has helped companies in technical and engineering-driven industries succeed. We've been doing this for over 30 years, increasing and improving our offerings along the way. Our team's backgrounds include optics, chemistry, and biology paired with a core business and marketing focus. This allows our team a unique understanding of your business, the decision makers you work with, and the engineers who will evaluate your solution.

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