Marketing Strategists for Growth & Change

For 35 years, Launch Team Inc. has helped organizations compete, grow and change.

We are in it for the long haul: meeting our promises and exceeding expectations. A culture of accountability and collaboration makes it possible.

We have a dedicated full-time staff with an average tenure of over five years. We have no silos and there is no handoff to a "B team".


DUNS #011200531


Social Responsibility


To support the growth and change in companies that can make an impact—bringing new technologies to market that improve quality of life, creating good jobs, and establishing a culture that empowers people and ideas.


We improve companies’ speed, agility, and effectiveness in creating change, launching new products, and creating functional, scalable systems and environments where employees can thrive. Equally important, we are a trusted partner, accountability driver, and support system for internal teams in meeting business outcomes in the face of daily pressures and tight timelines.


Diversity of Thought

Diversity of background, race, culture, ethnicity, and gender makes for a stronger company and richer strategy. We are built on the promise of a different perspective—bringing change management, and sales and marketing competency to science and engineering-driven companies.


Living wage: even our entry-level employees are saving for retirement and homeownership.

No unpaid internships: our internship programs are a valuable talent pipeline for us and a learning opportunity for interns. Access shouldn’t be limited by financial circumstances.

Broaden the pool: we are building relationships with organizations throughout our community for a more diverse workforce.


Drive for Action

We help companies and people prioritize, make an action plan, and execute against it, even in the face of change and uncertainty. At every step, we hire, develop and reward for the ability to focus on client outcomes and move at the speed of business.


Own the problem: the scope may change, there will be unanticipated barriers—we are committed to being a good long-term partner, acting with transparency and agility, and stepping up where needed.

Great meetings: Prepare. Listen. We strive to create the best, most organized meeting with the most engaging discussion our clients will have all week.


Make an impact

There are plenty of ways to make a living. We have the power to make an impact. We choose carefully the companies and people we work with, to help great companies create good jobs. We are part of our local and global community and are committed to being a part of positive change.


Profit-sharing: We profit share with our employees and important community organizations like FoodLink each month.

Pro Bono: We provide pro bono support to a broad range of non-profits. 

Sustainability: We are working throughout energy and manufacturing industries to create real and lasting change; as well as looking at our own operations for ways to minimize our footprint.

Empathy: We stay curious and listen to deepen our understanding of best-fit solutions.