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2020 Standout Successes: Product Launch and Brand Transition

2020 Standout Successes: Product Launch and Brand Transition


Welcome to 2021! We’re rested, recharged, and ready for a fresh start. While last year didn’t go quite as planned, as we look back, by and large, clients we work with met or outperformed their targets. We can’t help but notice some standout successes. Let’s take a closer look at how some of our clients managed to thrive despite less-than-ideal conditions.

Product Launch Drives Leads, Establishes Thought-Leadership Position

Challenge: Haskel’s Hydrogen Systems Group launched a family of hydrogen fueling stations designed for small fleet operators. With global tradeshows cancelled, it was time to rethink their product launch plan to drive awareness, interest, and leads. Based in Sunderland, UK, the group was looking to establish significant interest in regions committing to emissions targets around the world.

Solution: Together, Haskel and Launch Team created an interest in the product and the company’s hydrogen division, promoting industry leadership without much prior publicity. We jumped in to organize and drive the product launch to completion, helping the Hydrogen Group create a thought-leadership and advocacy position with government, commercial and consumer stakeholders, all while generating leads through PR and digital marketing.

Result: Haskel saw a 290% increase in LinkedIn traffic, a 77% jump in web traffic to their hydrogen page, and more leads than expected. This helped in establishing industry leadership in the hydrogen refueling market.

Interested in learning more about launching your new products in 2021? Check out the blog 3 Ways to Approach 2021 Strategic Planning.

Brand Transition for Unified Web and Social Presence and Corporate Story

Challenge: Leonardo looked to consolidate its US divisions to realize operational synergies and scalability. The previously unrelated divisions needed to strengthen their brand despite limited Leonardo Electronics US name recognition and muddled naming conventions, combine cultures, teams, sales and service processes, with teams in different locations and different lines of business.

Solution: Working from the customer perspective, we were able to quickly and cohesively transition the brand and provide a seamless customer experience. The Leonardo/Lasertel team embraced the HubSpot platform using the integrated CMS, CRM, and HubSpot Knowledge Base to achieve their goals. Together, we worked to communicate a new brand story that served to educate customers, prospects without negative impact to customer experience, leads or SEO. In addition to managing organizational change, the pandemic further exacerbating the need to build employee alignment. We quickly stood up the HubSpot Service Hub as their employee portal across locations, utilizing SMS, email, and physical signage to keep employees informed.

Results: Traffic and leads from the website were over 30% higher than pre-pandemic times, while follow-up and lead nurture was better informed and efficient through a CRM and metrics-driven approach. Employee engagement increased as team members trained and self-served on the employee portal; whether on-site or remote, employees were able to share updates immediately.

Client successes form the bright spots of any year, especially one full of new and different challenges. We’re proud to be a part of their growth stories.

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