1 min read

Do You Need a Salesforce.com Implementation Partner or a Consultant?

Do You Need a Salesforce.com Implementation Partner or a Consultant?

One of the main decisions an Executive has to make regarding Salesforce.com is who is going to implement and support your solution. I have been in this space since 2001 and, in general, I see two different types of implementation partners: firms that lead with tech and firms that lead with consulting. The question is, which is right for you?

The answer really depends. If your business goals, objectives, and processes for implementation are well defined and being used by your staff, then either type of partner would work for you.  

If one of the main objectives with your Salesforce implementation is to define or update your processes, develop new strategies, or drive change throughout your organization, then it might be a good time to look at a Salesforce.com partner that leads with consulting.  

Why does this matter? There is a big difference between a partner that simply asks you for your requirements or what fields you need to track and one that helps you define the best process to achieve your business goals. Consultants come with years of experience in marketing, sales, customer service, operations, and change management. They understanding the people side of things and can help make sure you are driving results and getting the most out of Salesforce.

The CRM implementation experts at Launch Team Inc. can help organizations drive performance with sales and marketing tools like Salesforce.com, Pardot, and the Marketing Cloud. Contact us if you need help aligning your Salesforce tools with your strategy. 


Need help choosing or implementing a CRM? Check out our free planning worksheet for key considerations.

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