
We know that change is good, that's why we are expanding our change management support! Like you, we recognize how critical this is to the success of your organization's initiatives. In the companies we work with, the pace of change, employee fatigue, and the need for our support has grown over the last year. We are proud to announce that we are expanding:

Check out our recent success stories in companies like yours!

explore change management

4 Ways to Approach 2025 Strategic Planning

4 Ways to Approach 2025 Strategic Planning

For many, late summer is the time for strategic planning. This year may be particularly challenging, as many companies took a 'wait and see' approach...

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B2B Technical Sales FAQs

B2B Technical Sales FAQs

Launch hosted a series of sales training workshops with customer service and engineers who have a hand in sales. Together, we discussed tips for...

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20 Sales Stats to Boost Your 2024 Sales Game

20 Sales Stats to Boost Your 2024 Sales Game

In our planning and strategy sessions, we always center the conversation around data-driven decision making. So, we decided to dig up 20 sales stats...

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