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Launch Retreat 2021: How We Improve For Our Partners

Launch Retreat 2021: How We Improve For Our Partners

After a year of off-site and hybrid accommodations, we've all come to miss each others' faces. And as we approach 2022 and reflect on the changes these past years have brought to our clients and industries, our team took the chance to bring everyone back together in person and organize an insightful retreat on the shore of Canandaigua Lake. This team-building experience gave us the opportunity to reflect on market trends, growth, and how we can best support and improve on our external and internal communications

Here are our team's takeaways from our retreat, workshop, and strategic planning: 


Michele Nichols
"The thing we've really missed in hybrid work is 'breaking bread together. No matter how accustomed we were to remote work before, and how tight the relationships were, there's something magical about being together in person to challenge each other. We also organized our strategic planning process around the retreat to give a framework and have everyone involved in the action plan. It was a good mix of fun, skill-building, and strategy."

Sarah Selfie

Sarah Holland
"The retreat was a great experience for growing and bonding with the team. We had lots of fun and worked on building our skills and getting input on our plan for 2022. We did some hard work on conflict resolution and direct communications and being in person made that learning so much deeper and more meaningful."


Aimee Schenck
"Our retreat encouraged growth in both our professional and personal connections to one another. We built deeper relationships and learned how to help each other thrive, which will ultimately make our team as a whole more successful. We also had an informative bonfire, learning who the more “patient” marshmallow roasters are!"

mary_webMary Crowley
"The retreat showed me that it’s important to keep having face-to-face conversations, even in our more digital/virtual world. It cuts back on confusion in the workplace and keeps transparency between the team alive!"

camerynCameryn Bugman
"I enjoyed getting to spend time with my coworkers outside of the office environment. We got to learn more about each other, and that comradery will translate into our work. We spent a lot of time on productive conflict and understanding that feedback is a gift instead of thinking about it as criticism. I also learned how to paddleboard!"

Victoria Ferroni - HeadshotVictoria Ferroni
"No matter how accustomed we are to hybrid-work, it felt incredibly helpful to be able to share those two days with our team. This retreat has challenged us as a team and built the foundation for strategic actions for the next year. A great way to prepare both internally and externally for what's to come in 2022!"

Alison.01Alison Arnold
"The retreat fostered deeper personal connections, strategic thinking, and individual reflection. And we got to eat cheeseballs!"
NickNick Bober
"The Launch Team retreat was eye-opening to see how we can challenge each other to become more productive as a team. Ever since the retreat, I have been more confident, and working with my co-workers to reach a higher level of efficiency and success."


Madison1Madison Jacobs
"I love being a part of a company that invests in each team member's development. The retreat allowed us the opportunity to grow personally, form greater connections, and ultimately grow the company as a whole. I'm proud to be a part of this team and excited to see what's to come!"

Employee engagement is so important and we will continue to look for ways to drive it in our organization. We know the importance of workplace flexibility, but also recognize the significance of connection and retreats are a great way to foster those connections. Need help with employee engagement or an inclusive strategic planning process? We can help. 

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